Ride to hell retribution
Ride to hell retribution

ride to hell retribution

  • Anti-Hero: Jake, to Nominal Hero levels - he's out to get retribution on the gang that killed his brother but isn't afraid of murdering completely unrelated civilians and police officers in order to execute needlessly elaborate plans.
  • ride to hell retribution

    The game takes this further, by cutting out of the action to a cutscene or different style of play, or even a different area.

  • And Now For Something Completely Different: The prologue sets the stage for it, with it jumping from biking to turret sequence, to brawler sequence, to a cutscene of Jake on a motorbike jumping over a Huey helicopter.
  • ride to hell retribution

  • Ambiguous Disorder: Between his limited emotional range and his penchant for ridiculously convoluted solutions to his problems, you'd be forgiven for thinking Jake has something wrong upstairs.
  • This is while said baddies are still dying in the same room.
  • All Women Are Lustful: Every single woman encountered in the game save one will immediately offer themselves to Jake even after being rescued from sexual assault or after their partner has been beaten up.
  • All There in the Manual: Wonder why Jake lives, despite taking multiple gunshots after Mikey's death? The game files state Jake was experimented on in Vietnam, and his enhanced endurance was a result of this.
  • At the same time, the "1%" on the game's full title is a reference to the estimate that only 1% of biker groups are "outlaw" gangs.
  • Jake proves his innocence by murdering them all. A group of miners automatically assume Jake is Devil's Hand because he's a biker, and start a fistfight with him over the damage the Devil's Hand has done to their community.

    Ride to hell retribution